Senior UX Researcher
full bleed network viz.png

Exploring Collaboration


Network Visualization

Did The Arab Spring Impact International Collaboration With The Academic Network Of Tunisia?





Explore the impact that large scale political events may have on cross-country collaboration within academic networks.


My Role

Researcher (literature reviews & data analysis)



Sci12 & Gephi1


Project Length

5 months


I was motivated by the anticipated impact that large scale political events may have on the collaboration within academic networks, since research, development, and the flow of ideas can be an efficient indicator of a country’s stability. The Arab Spring not only influenced Tunisia’s political landscape, but also affected its academic landscape by driving new academic partnerships within disciplinary areas that carried less weight than before the protests, such as new opportunities for fieldwork and discussion around economic reforms. Changes regarding academic freedom and the right to promote scientific research were also made within Tunisia’s constitution during this time. These initiatives for change and cooperation are reflected within the research and impact on Tunisia’s academic collaborative landscape.


Using graphing software tools, I created two networks that display trends in co-country academic collaboration with Tunisia before and after the Arab Spring. I searched for formations, changes, and patterns of collaboration within the networks. Results display an increase in average degree and size of the networks over time. 

